Creating an inclusive climate is primarily the responsibility of faculty, hence the main interventions are focused on faculty within a graduate major. There are three types
Inclusion workshops: with goals of increasing awareness of identities, micro-aggressions, and systemic effects, with first steps to practice.
Data driven change: groups of faculty examining admission, retention, graduation, and placement data with a critical lens for systemic inequities.
Design-thinking workshops: a series of brainstorming exercises to design an inclusive graduate program.
Since surveys indicate graduate students can experience negative interactions from their peers and postdocs, we are also running inclusion workshops for graduate peers and postdocs.
Specific interventions by members within the NIC:
- Boston University
- Cornell University
- Howard University
- Iowa State State University (Graduate College)
- Michigan State University
- Northwestern University
- University at Buffalo
- University of Georgia
- University of Maryland, College Park (The Graduate School)
- University of Texas at Arlington