PThe CIRTL AGEP team at Boston University is working with ten STEM departments and two NSF-funded training programs to support inclusive research environments through climate surveys, professional development opportunities, and awards that recognize best practices in mentoring PhD students and postdocs. Our workshops for PhD students and postdocs focus on bias literacy, recognizing and avoiding microaggressions, and strategies toward ‘mentoring up’ in their research environment. Faculty workshops are supported by a mini-grant solicitation that gives departments the flexibility to identify the skills and learning most relevant to their context.

Boston University is also partnering with Northwestern University to host the AGEP National Research conference in March 2020 in Boston, MA. This conference will disseminate, adopt and adapt research findings, tools, and program resources generated by AGEP alliances. The conference also seeks to guide participants to intentionally identify strategies within their institutional context that will position their AGEP projects for sustained impact and institutional change. Finally, participants will engage in an innovative, active conference format that supports their learning, builds their connections to colleagues across the AGEP alliance network and to networks aligned with AGEP goals, creating a foundation from which they can take future action at their institution
