In Fall 2018 we will issue a call to other CIRTL universities to join us in our networked improvement community. This will most probably include the opportunity to participate in our ongoing inclusion interventions and will entail running the annual surveys of your faculty and graduate students.
If you are at one of the universities that are part of the AGEP CIRTL project, thank you for all your help. If you are interested in joining this work, here are some possible steps:
- Contact your CIRTL leader about running an inclusion workshop in your department.
- Examine your data on admission, retention, graduation, and placement data with a critical lens for systemic inequities.
- Talk with graduate students on your campus to learn of their experiences.”
Creating an inclusive climate is primarily the responsibility of faculty, so thank you for reviewing this site.
If you are interested in joining this work, here are some possible steps:
- Contact your CIRTL leader about running an inclusion workshop in your department
- All of us can be better advisors. Take some small positive steps towards improving inclusion in your research group.
- Be open about your identities and discuss with your graduate students how your identities might impact how you approach the research and your advising.
- Recognize tour own implicit biases, work to reduce microaggressions, and intervene if you observe something.
- Set ground rules for respectful discourse in group meetings.
- Value and welcome students from all backgrounds for their diverse experiences and talents.